Stormy Waters

You may recognize this cocktail as a Dark ‘n stormy, but as this recipe calls for Davidsen’s Pirate Release, Blend 8, we have named it Stormy Waters. The basics of the cocktail is the same. A dark rum (blend) with plenty of character and evolution is mixed with fresh lime and zesty spicy ginger beer and a small amount of Angostura Aromatic Bitters. Depending on your preference and the ginger beer you are using, you may want to add a splash of simple syrup. The recipe for a perfect Stormy Waters is:



  • Lime boat

How to make

  1. Pour Davidsen’s Pirate Release, Blend 8, lime juice and Angostura Aromatic Bitters into a glass filled with ice
  2. Pour in the ginger beer and give it a light stir

With regards to the ice, you should always fill your glass completely with ice when making drinks/cocktails as doing so will ensure you the best quality and longest lasting drink/cocktail. The science behind it is, that the more ice you have in your glass, the colder the liquid will be, which in turn makes the ice melt less and slower. So, if you fill your glass with ice, you get a drink that is colder and cold for longer.

The above mentioned is the easy and quick way to put your Stormy Waters together. However, if you want to up the presentation of the cocktail, it is somewhat easy to do. Instead of just pouring everything into a glass, you can be more selective with the order in which you pour the ingredients. It is fairly easy for even the most inexperienced cocktail makers to achieve a layered look to their Stormy Waters. Start by filling up your glass with ice. Then add the lime juice and the ginger beer to the glass leaving enough room for the rum at the top. Gently pour in the Davidsen’s Pirate Release, Blend 8, and finish with the Angostura Aromatic Bitters. Doing it like this will make the layer of dark rum and bitters stay on top and is guaranteed to make your guests compliment you bartending skills. If you want to use a straw, make sure you put it into the glass before adding the rum.

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