Gin Sour

The sour template is one of our all-time favourites and can be used with basically any spirit you fancy (See Rum Sour). The classic version of the sour is the Whisky Sour. Here, we have substituted the whisky with our delicious The ·O·D·D· Gin Genuine Pink, to give a lighter and even more refreshing cocktail. This sour variation is absolutely heavenly and it is perfect for a cocktail in the sun on a hot summers day as it is guaranteed to quench your thirst. Our recipe for a perfect Gin Sour is as follows:



  • Lemon zest (Possibly fresh raspberries or pomegranate seeds)

How to make

  1. Dry shake all ingredients to emulsify the egg whites
  2. Add ice to shaker and shake well
  3. Fine strain to rocks glass with fresh ice

Using raw egg whites in a cocktail is not everybody’s cup of tea, which is totally fine and therefore optional. However, we think that it is an absolutely essential part of any good sour, as it provides a light, fluffy texture, and a silky smooth finish to the cocktail which we would not be without. The sweetness from The ·O·D·D· Gin Genuine Pink makes this a sour that is maybe a bit more sweet than sour, so feel free to hold back on the simply syrup to make it taste exactly as you wish. For a more juniper forward cocktail, a bit more stringent in its style, we can highly recommend using The ·O·D·D· Gin Original Dry which gives a more classic style cocktail. Using The ·O·D·D· Gin Genuine Pink gives the classic cocktail a delicious fruity pep. If you wish a more complex cocktail, using a couple of dashes of bitters would be a great choice. Here, we would go for Angostura Aromatic Bitters for the Original Dry Gin Sour, and Angostura Orange Bitters for the fruity Genuine Pink Gin Sour to give it that extra layer.

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