Classic Daiquiri

When hearing the word Daiquiri, most people think of the frozen kind which is actually more of a dessert than it is a cocktail. However, it is very tasty. The Classic Daiquiri, however, is a bit more refined. It is simple, yet at the same time complex, sweet yet sour, in other words best of both worlds. To us, there is something fascinating and charming about a cocktail that is comprised of three simple ingredients yet so delicious and complex while still being easy to drink, like this. One of the beauties of the Classic Daiquiri is that because the recipe is so simple it is easy to customize it to fit your exact taste. The original recipe calls for a light rum, and by all means, do use Davidsen’s Silver Rum in this cocktail, it is super good and refreshing. However, we prefer using a darker, richer rum. Rums (blends) such as Davidsen’s Special Release, Blend 5, or Davidsen’s X.O. Limited Release, Blend 17 are all perfect, in our opinion, for a Classic Daiquiri. Truthfully, all of our rums (blends) would suit this cocktail perfectly. Depending on your preferences you can switch the rum to suit your taste. Our recipe for a perfect Classic Daiquiri is as follows:




  • Lime zest

How to make

  1. Shake all ingredients with ice
  2. Strain to coupe glass without ice

It is, as mentioned, incredibly easy to tailor this cocktail to your exact needs. If you like the rum notes to really take control of the drink, dial down the lime and sugar. If you prefer a sourer cocktail, keep the lime and dial down the sugar a bit. Some rums can have a sharp taste, which can be very good in a Classic Daiquiri while others can be softer and more caramelly, especially if you go for a dark rum. The rum used in your favourite Classis Daiquiri depends solely on your preference. A good rule of thumb for when you are still not quite sure how you like your Classic Daiquiri is to go for a 2:1:1 ratio. 2 parts of rum, one part of lime and one part of sugar. This gives a great baseline from which you can easily tweak the cocktail.

An easy tweak that can be really enjoyable is to include other fresh fruits such as raspberries. By using 4-5 fresh raspberries in a Daiquiri, you can get a super delicious cocktail. Simply shake the raspberries with the other ingredients and the ice will take care of the muddling. This cocktail both tastes, looks and smells heavenly.

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